Mahouka 22

[HorribleSubs] Mahouka - 22 [720p]_001_17176

kyouko’s really cute. she would be #2 after Mayumi.

will post links later go watch cr or something
went to tempura party and had quite a lot to drink.
fuckin exhausted

torrent | ddl | xdcc

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12 Responses to Mahouka 22

  1. Lamel2g says:

    Wake up from your hangover and post the links.

  2. Xall says:

    Nyaa is down that do we do?

  3. Daen says:

    We sit in a puddle of our own tears, that’s what I’m doing right now.

  4. deadfishencodes says:

    A good alternative site to upload your work is -> tracker.anime-index . org

  5. macxxx007 says:

    I am so sorry… I wasn’t aware you guys had a site!

    Thanks so much for all the great work you have been putting into this series! YOU GUYS ARE DOING GREAT!

    Sorry for not showing my gratitude earlier and thanks so much for the episode!

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